EU4Health 2024 Funding opportunities

The European Commission has launched the 2024 Work Programme of EU4Health. With a total budget of over €750 million for the year, it will bring together a range of calls under five main strands: 

  • Crisis preparedness (over €485 million in funding available) 

  • Health promotion & disease prevention (over €70 million in funding available) 

  • Health systems & healthcare workforce (over €41 million in funding available) 

  • Digital (over €25 million in funding available) 

  • Cancer (over €117 million in funding available) 


The Work Programme in full is available to download here.  A factsheet with a summary of the main points can be downloaded here.  

There are a number of calls open at the moment (see below), however, the majority of open calls for action grants will launch later in the year.  Please refer to the tentative calendar for up-to-date indicative publication dates.  


Open Calls: 


Operating Grants

Operating grants to non-governmental organisations: call for proposals for a Framework Partnership Agreement for operating grants (2025-2026) to non-governmental organisations. Total estimated value €9.0 millionDeadline 13th June 2024. 

A dedicated info session took place on 15th March 2024.



1. Speed up the development, availability and access to anti-tuberculosis medicines for children.  HADEA/2023/OP/0052 (Est. value €5 million) Deadline 25 April 2024.


2. Multiple Framework Contracts in cascade for support services to the European Commission on gathering intelligence on priority threats and medical countermeasures. HADEA/2024/OP/0009 (estimated vlaue €15M). Deadline 15 May 2024

3. Single framework contract to consolidate and uphold the operation of the European Digital Skills and Jobs Platform. HADEA/2024/OP/0010 (Est. value €8,000,000; Submission deadline 11 June 2024).


Our HRB National Focal Point for EU4Health Dr Amanda Daly ( is available to provide guidance on the programmme and current calls, and can answer any questions you may have.

For more information on the EU4Health programme, watch back our recent webinar here