Using single-cell RNA-sequencing to rationally model inflammatory skin disease

Rapidly advancing single-cell genomic methodology can give biologists unprecedented resolution in the study of cell types and states in tissues, such as the different epithelial cells (EC) of the skin. I wish to employ it to address an unmet clinical need in the chronic inflammatory skin condition hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) where EC function is compromised. HS affects 1.4% of the Irish population, but is poorly understood and is sorely lacking effective in vitro models to trial therapies and understand its biology. In the Ordovas-Montanes lab, I will use single-cell genomics to rationally design experimental models for HS which will be piloted in the US and further explored in Ireland

Award Date
25 June 2021
Award Value
€7,500. Other Funding contribution €1,598
Principal Investigator
Dr Daniel Johnston
Host Institution
University College Dublin
Fulbright-HRB Health Impact Awards