Exploring the factors and mechanisms involved in the delivery of healthcare and support programs to people with dementia from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds

The management of dementia among immigrant populations is considered a global public health priority. Dementia interferes with the brain and older age is the strongest risk factor. The migration experience has been associated with specific stressors that can lead to poor health outcomes. In the United States dementia affects an estimated 5.6 million people aged 65 or older. My research explores the factors and mechanisms involved in the delivery of support programs to people with dementia from an immigrant population in San Diego California. The project will be based in San Diego and has the potential offer insights about practice care models that could be transferable to the Irish context.

Award Date
25 June 2021
Award Value
€22,000. Other Funding contribution €7957
Principal Investigator
Dr Purity Mwendwa
Host Institution
University College Dublin
Fulbright-HRB Health Impact Awards