Applications in Progress

ERA-NET NEURON Joint Transnational Networking Group Call 2022

Proposals are under evaluation. Coordinators will be informed of the outcome Q1/2 2023.

ERA-NET TRANSCAN-3 Joint Transnational Call 2022

Proposals are under evaluation. Coordinators will be informed of the outcome Q2 2023.

JPND Joint Transnational Working Group Call 2022

Proposals are under evaluation. Coordinators will be informed of the outcome Q3/Q4 2023.

Open Calls


Action grants:

There is €28 million available in the second wave of calls under the 2022 EU4Health work programme. The submission deadlines (they vary with each call) are 21 or 28 of February 2023. The topics are on cancer and other NCDs, covering prevention, training and support of structured dialogue.


There is €550K available in this call. The deadline for tenders is 17 February 2023.

There is €700K available in this call. The deadline for tenders is 17 February 2023.

There is €750K available in this call. The deadline for tenders is 15 February 2023.

EJPRD Joint Transnational Call 2023

Natural History Studies addressing unmet needs in Rare Diseases

This call opened via the HRB website on 12 December 2022 with a pre-proposal submission deadline of 15 February 2023.

JPND Joint Transnational Call 2023

Large scale OMICS approaches to drug-target finding in neurodegenerative diseases 

This call opened on 4 January 2023 with a pre-proposal submission deadline of 7 March 2023.

JPI AMR Joint Transnational Call 2023

Development of innovative strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for diagnostics and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance

This call opened on 16 January 2023 with a pre-proposal submission deadline of 7 March 2023.

ERA-NET NEURON Joint Transnational Call 2023

Resilience and Vulnerability in Mental Health

This call opened on 10 January 2023 with a pre-proposal submission deadline of 7 March 2023.

Fostering a European Research Area for Health (ERA4Health)

Increasing health equity through promoting healthy diets and physical activity (HealthEquity)

This call is part of the new European Partnership, ERA4Health. It opened on 13 January 2023 with a pre-proposal submission deadline of 14 March 2023.

Horizon Europe Health Cluster

The HRB has appointed a new Health NCP who can support applicants for Horizon Europe calls please contact Irene Castellano, for support and advice.

The Health Cluster Work Programme for 2023/ 2024 has now been published. The 2023 Calls opened on 12th Jan 2023 and will close for applications on 13th April 2023.  All calls in 2023 are single stage. The Call topics are divided into 6 different Destinations:

  1. Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society: 1 topic with a budget of €40m
  2. Living and working in a health-promoting environment: 4 topics with a budget of €103m
  3. Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden: 8 topics with a budget of €274m
  4. Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care: 3 topics with a budget of €60m
  5. Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies & digital solutions for a healthy society: 6 topics with a budget of €250m
  6. Maintaining an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive health industry: 5 topics with a budget of €56m

A full breakdown of the 27 call topics in 2023 is available from Health NCP Irene Castellano (email:

Horizon Europe Cancer Mission

The Cancer Mission Work Programme for 2023/ 2024 has now been published. There are 4 call topics in 2023, with a budget of €110m.  Calls opened on 12th January 2023 and will close for applications on 12th April 2023.  All calls are single stage:

Upcoming Calls

Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) Joint Transnational Call 2023

As part of this new European Partnership, a Joint Transnational Call is expected to open February 2023 with a likely deadline for ‘intent to apply’ submissions in March 2023 and a proposal submission deadline in April 2023. If you would like to receive the pre-announcement directly, please contact


The annual Work Programme for 2023 has now been published. Calls in these topics are expected in 2023.

Procurement: A number of Tenders are due to be published in Q4 2022, including areas such as Cancer, Crisis preparedness and Health systems. For more information please see HRB’s EU4Health webpage.

Horizon Europe Health Cluster

In 2024 there are 14 call topics with a budget of €409m.

2024 Two Stage Calls:

Stage 1 of 2 : Opens 30th March and close 19th September 2023

Stage 2 of 2 : Closes on the 11th April 2024

2024 Single Stage: Open 26th October 2023 and close 11th April 2024

A full breakdown is available from Health NCP Irene Castellano (email: