Activities of Irish Psychiatric Units and Hospitals 2023
The 2023 report provides data presented nationally as well as by: – CHO – county – hospital type – individual psychiatric units/hospitals
The 2023 report provides data presented nationally as well as by: – CHO – county – hospital type – individual psychiatric units/hospitals
Drugnet Ireland is the Health Research Board’s quarterly drug and alcohol research and policy newsletter. It provides summaries and analysis of recent publications and policy developments as well as overviews of particular issues relating to the drug and alcohol situation in Ireland. Experts from the EUDA national focal point and from the HRB Evidence Centre […]
Data from the National Drug-Related Deaths Index (NDRDI) This NDRDI bulletin presents data on drug poisoning deaths in Ireland in 2021, with key trends for period 2012 to 2021. Drug poisoning deaths are deaths due to the toxic effects of one or more substances. Included in this bulletin are poisoning deaths due to illicit drugs […]
Part One contents include: Chairperson and Chief Executive’s report; a snapshot of important HRB activities during 2023; key deliverables(in line with the HRB Strategy 2021-2025, Health research – making an impact) and Appendices. Part Two contains the corporate governance and financial statements. This will be published later in 2024 once those accounts are approved by […]
This is the annual, updated bulletin from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS) on cases of treated problem alcohol use in Ireland. This bulletin covers the period 2017 to 2023, in which 8,163 cases were treated for alcohol as a main problem during this seven-year period.
Place-based initiatives emerged originally in the field of health, guided by new ideas relating to the social determinants of health, the role of the socioecological context, implementation science, and the importance of community empowerment. Although there are considerable variations, it is possible to identify an underlying model which focuses on providing universal, structural interventions that […]
The purpose of this systematic review was to provide evidence on the safety and effectiveness of remote pre-hospital triage for reducing unnecessary emergency department (ED) attendances among adults. Remote pre-hospital triage for unscheduled care, sorts patients into appropriate categories or triage dispositions based on how critically ill they are and can be done via telephone, […]
Drugnet Ireland is the Health Research Board’s quarterly drug and alcohol research and policy newsletter. It provides summaries and analysis of recent publications and policy developments and well as overviews of particular issues relating to the drug and alcohol situation Ireland. Experts from the EMCDDA national focal point and from the HRB Evidence Centre contribute […]
This is the annually updated bulletin from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS) on cases of treated problem drug use (excluding alcohol) in Ireland. It covers the period 2017 to 2023. In this seven-year period, 13,104 cases were treated for drug use as a main problem.
Bulletin from the National Ability Supports System (NASS) on data provided by disability service providers for people engaging with services through the HSE disability budget in 2023.
This alcohol overview is the fifth in a series which examines data and trends on alcohol use and related consequences over time in Ireland. The data show that there has been a decrease in per capita alcohol use since the last overview was published in 2021. However, harmful and hazardous drinking patterns are impacting people’s […]
Bibliometric analysis of aggregated publication data across a funder’s portfolio serves an important role in assessing the value placed by peers on research outputs, how much these research outputs are subsequently taken up in the research system, how a group of publications compares to similar groups of publications elsewhere, and what the trends are in […]
Drugnet Ireland is the Health Research Board’s quarterly drug and alcohol research and policy newsletter. It provides summaries and analysis of recent publications and policy developments and well as overviews of particular issues relating to the drug and alcohol situation Ireland. Experts from the EMCDDA national focal point and from the HRB Evidence Centre contribute […]
This publication contains the 2022 corporate governance and financial statements of the Health Research Board, which have been approved by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General. Part one is also available for download (below), and contains the Chairperson and Chief Executive’s report; a snapshot of other important HRB activities in the year and key deliverables […]
The Medical Cannabis Access Programme in Ireland currently provides access to cannabis to patients with one of three conditions when other treatments have not been successful. The three conditions are spasticity (stiff and/or rigid muscles) associated with multiple sclerosis, nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, and severe epilepsy. This evidence review was conducted to […]
In this bulletin, data on deaths among people who were homeless and who died in 2020 are presented. The NDRDI collects data on all deaths among people who were homeless at the time of death, in order to improve understanding of premature mortality among people who are homeless nationally, and to provide more complete and […]
This report utilises a mixed-methods approach comprising both quantitative and qualitative tools to assess the outputs, outcomes and impacts of the TILDA programme. The methods used to collect data involved desk research (including bibliometric analysis), individual and focus group qualitative interviews, an in-depth organisational case study, and narrative analysis of TILDA’s outputs in various media. In […]
The purpose of this overview of reviews was to provide evidence to assist with the development of clinical guidelines on the primary prevention of dental caries in primary, permanent, and mixed dentition. Caries (dental decay) is a disease of the hard tissues of the teeth caused by an imbalance in this process over time, where […]
This year’s Health Research in Action highlights some of the many notable impacts and outcomes of the Health Research Board’s work. It includes a snapshot in numbers of our activity during 2022, followed by 29 success stories from our wide-ranging health and social care research portfolio. The stories include HRB-funded projects about examining healthcare complaints […]
Since May 2021, European Union member states were required to adopt a legislative stance on single use medical device (SUD) reprocessing i.e. a process including cleaning, disinfection, sterilisation and related procedures, as well as testing and restoring the technical and functional safety of the used device. The main objective of this review was to determine […]
Drugnet Ireland is the Health Research Board’s quarterly drug and alcohol research and policy newsletter. It provides summaries and analysis of recent publications and policy developments and well as overviews of particular issues relating to the drug and alcohol situation Ireland. Experts from the EMCDDA national focal point and from the HRB Evidence Centre contribute […]
Contents include: Chairperson and Chief Executive’s report; a snapshot of important HRB activities during 2022; key deliverables(in line with the HRB Strategy 2021-2025, Health research – making an impact) and Appendices. Part 2 contains the corporate governance and financial statements. This will be published later in 2023 once those accounts are approved by the Office […]
This is the annual, updated bulletin from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS) on cases of treated problem alcohol use in Ireland. This bulletin covers the period 2016 to 2022, in which 50,107 cases were treated for alcohol as a main problem during this seven-year period.
Experts from the EMCDDA national focal point and from the HRB Evidence Centre contribute content to the newsletter.Experts from the EMCDDA national focal point and from the HRB Evidence Centre contribute content to the newsletter.
Bulletin from the National Ability Supports System (NASS) on data provided by disability service providers for people engaging with services through the HSE disability budget in 2022.