Cancer Research Investment in Ireland (2019–2022)
This report presents an analysis of the data collected as part of a review of cancer research investments in cancer-related research projects, programmes and supporting infrastructure in Ireland from 2019 to 2022 using the United Kingdom (UK) Health Research Classification System (HRCS).
The purpose of this report is to provide an analysis of the cancer research investments in Ireland to:
– support the coordination of cancer research activities through shared learning and open exchange of information;
– facilitate a collective view of resources being invested in cancer research;
– avoid duplication of investments by respective funders;
– identify gaps in current cancer research investments;
– prioritise areas for future investment;
– benefit Irish patients and the public.
The review finds that overall, cancer is a well-funded health research area in Ireland. Over the period 2019–2022, the eight participating funders invested a total of €106.5 million across 397 cancer research grants, reflecting an upward trend in investment.
The review was led by the HRB in consultation with the National Cancer Control Programme and the National Cancer Research Group.
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