The latest alcohol overview from the Health Research Board (HRB) reveals that despite a decline in pubs, Ireland still ranks 3rd highest in the world for the number of pubs per head, and three-in-four people live within walking distance of a premises licensed to sell alcohol. It also highlights that the decline in the number of pubs is matched by an increase in off licences.  

According to Anne Doyle, HRB research officer and lead author of the report:   

“This is the first time that we have looked at accessibility to alcohol in detail. Using geospatial analysis, we also found there is a greater density of licensed premises in deprived communities. This is significant because evidence shows that people in deprived areas are more likely to experience alcohol-related harms, despite consumption being lower or equal to affluent areas.”  

The findings are part of a wider HRB overview* Alcohol: availability, affordability, related harm, and policy in Ireland, which looks at how much people are drinking, examines the health and social consequences of alcohol use, and reviews the measures that are being taken to reduce alcohol use and prevent harm.  

Findings show:  

  • The average annual consumption for people aged 15 years and over in 2023 was 9.9 litres of pure alcohol.  This equates to 37 bottles of vodka (70cl), 104 bottles of wine or 400 pints of beer.  
  • Almost one-in-three people aged 15 years and over do not drink at all, with an increase in abstainers from 25% in 2018 to 30% in 2022.   

However harmful and hazardous drinking patterns are impacting people’s health and health services:  

  • Alcohol use is the 8th leading cause of death in Ireland with one person dying every day due to alcohol-related liver disease, and more than one-in-three road user fatalities had been drinking prior to the incident.   
  • One-in-five emergency department hospitalisations are due to alcohol and almost 19,000 hospitalisations are attributable to alcohol alone in 2021. 
  • Alcohol is still the substance for which people seek treatment the most. The number of cases receiving treatment for alcohol use in 2022 was higher than that of cocaine and cannabis combined. On a positive note, 45% completed their treatment course and more than half of people were alcohol free when leaving treatment.  
  • Ireland is ranked 8th out of 30 countries for the proportion of household income spent on alcohol.  Although alcohol has increased in price, it has kept in line with inflation.  
  • There were 5,527 incidents of drink-driving, and 9,917 incidents of drunkenness recorded on PULSE in 2022.   

Dr Mairéad O’Driscoll, HRB Chief Executive, says,  

“The increase in the number of people choosing not to drink and the decline in consumption per capita is positive. However, the way many people drink is harmful which is reflected in alcohol-related hospitalisations and deaths, as well as high numbers of people receiving treatment for problem alcohol use.”   

Legislation to address alcohol use in Ireland continues to be implemented. In the past three years there has been restrictions on advertising, separation of alcohol from other products in supermarkets and shops and the introduction of Minimum Unit Price. By 2026, Ireland will also have the most comprehensive health warning labels on alcohol products seen in the world.  

Dr O Driscoll concludes; “The recent implementation of the Public Health (Alcohol) Act will require time to take effect. By continuing to monitor trends over time, the HRB can review the impact of new legislation and inform policy responses that continue to reduce harm and support recovery.”  


Download a copy of the full report and infographics here or view on the HRB website

To organise interviews with experts, please contact: Gillian Markey, Communications Manager, Health Research Board   

m +353 87 2288514, e  

*This HRB report draws on data from the latest surveys and reports available and from health and law enforcement services.  

About the Health Research Board 

The Health Research Board is Ireland’s lead funding agency supporting innovative health research and delivering data and evidence that improves people’s health and patient care. We are committed to putting people first, and ensuring data and evidence are used in policy and practice to overcome health challenges, advance health systems, and benefit society and economy.