Applications in Progress

Knowledge Translation Awards (KTA) 2022

There were 34 applications to The Knowledge Translation Awards (KTA). 27 awards were approved by the HRB executive team. Contracting for these awards is currently underway.


Selected candidates were interviewed at the end of September. The IRC, who is the leading agency for this call, co-funded with HRB and EPA, will notify the outcome to the candidates soon after the Council approval of the Panel recommendations.

ERA-NET TRANSCAN-3 Joint Transnational Call 2022

Pre-proposals are undergoing evaluation. Coordinators will be informed of the outcome Q4 2022.

Applied Partnership Awards 2022 (APA) Cycle 1

The Cycle 1 Panel Meeting was held at the end of September. Panel recommendations will be presented to the HRB Board at its November meeting, and applicants will be informed of the outcome shortly afterwards.

Impact Award 2023

Seven nominations for the Impact Award 2023 call were received by 29 September 2022. The nominations are under review by an international Panel that will meet in November to finalise their decision.  The winner will be publicly announced at the HRB Grant Holders Conference, 9-10 February 2023.

Open Calls

ERA-NET NEURON Joint Transnational Networking Group Call 2022

The Joint Transnational Networking Group Call on “Chronic Pain” opened 7 September 2022 with a deadline for submission of 8 November 2022.

US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme

This is a rolling call. Check the scheme notice for full details.

HRB Rapid Response Mechanism to support Ukrainian researchers in crisis 2022 (Ucrisis 2022)

The HRB has approved two applications for funding as of September 2022. The Ucrisis 2022 supplementary grant call (restricted to eligible active grant awards) opened on 22 April 2022. The grant scheme supports a named individual/s who have been displaced by the Russian invasion in Ukraine or who cannot return to Ukraine due to the invasion (and are being supported by the Irish Government under the Temporary Protection Directive). It is a rolling grant call with continuous intake and fast-tracked application review.

Applied Partnership Awards 2022 (APA) Cycle 2

The 2022 call for proposals for Applied Partnership Awards (APA) remains open for Cycle 2 of this rolling call. The scheme supports applied research projects in which researchers and knowledge users come together to develop research projects that address a specific need within the Irish health or social care system. The closing date for submission to Cycle 2 is 1 February 2023.


Action Grants:

The second wave of calls under the 2022 EU4Health work programme was launched in Sept (call documents attached). There is €28million available under these four calls, with submission deadlines of 21st or 28th of February 2023. The calls are as follows:   

  • Call for proposals on cancer and other NCDs prevention – action on health determinants (€11M)
    • Addressing health determinants related to cancer (€8M)
    • Addressing health determinants related to NCDs other than cancer (€3M)
  • Call for proposals on prevention of NCDs – cardiovascular diseases and diabetes (€5M)
  • Call for proposals to support the roll-out of the second cohort of the inter-speciality cancer training programme (€7M)
  • Call for proposals to support structured dialogue at national or regional level on public procurement in the health sector – HERA (€5M)

A dedicated info session took place on 19th Oct 2022. Please visit here for recordings, presentations and Q&A. 

For further information on the EU4Health programme please visit the EU4Health webpage or contact Amanda Daly, HRB National Focal Point,

Secondary Data Analysis Projects (SDAP) 2023  

The Secondary Data Analysis Projects (SDAP) 2023  opened on  3 October 2023. The scheme supports bringing together researchers, knowledge users and data controllers to develop research projects that answer policy and/or practice-relevant questions through the use of secondary data. 

NEW: This is a rolling call and as such there will be two separate closing dates and associated peer review cycles. The closing date for Cycle 1 is the 15th of December 2022. The closing date for Cycle 2 is planned for October 2023.


Upcoming Calls

JPND Joint Transnational Working Group Call 2022

The Joint Transnational Working Group Call on “Concepts for health and social care research for neurodegenerative diseases will open early November with a likely deadline for submission of mid-December 2022.



A number of Tenders are due to be published in Q4 2022, including areas such as Cancer, Crisis preparedness and Health systems. They are as follows:


  • Development of a code of conduct on fair access of cancer survivors to financial services. Indicative budget: €2 Million (PIN published)
  • Study on obstacles for cancer survivors to return to work. Indicative budget: €500,000
  • FWC on the technical group supporting the characterising-flavours procedure

Crisis Preparedness

  • Study on market research and mapping of innovative diagnostic testing solutions (HERA). Indicative budget: €200,000
  • IT development for early warning, modelling, simulation, forecast (HERA) Indicative budget: €24.5 Million

Health systems (HS)

  • Guidelines on access to healthcare for people with disabilities. Indicative budget: €700,000 (PIN published)
  • Supporting the cooperation between the national authorities and professional sector associations in the blood, tissue and cells and organs sectors.  Indicative budget: €750,000 (PIN published)

HRB Postdoctoral Fellowships: Applying Research into Policy & Practice (ARPP) 2023

In early December we will open the 2023 round of the Applying Research into Policy & Practice (ARPP) Fellowships. The fellowships aim to provide opportunities for talented academic-based health and social care researchers during the postdoctoral stage of their research career

HRB Postdoctoral Fellowships: Clinician Scientist Fellowships (CSF) 2023

In early December we will open the 2023 Clinician Scientist Fellowships (CSF). The overarching aim is to provide postdoctoral opportunities for talented health and social care practitioners involved in the delivery of patient or social care, who have a PhD (or PhD equivalency) and wish to pursue a combined clinical and research career.

Horizon Europe

The Horizon Europe Work Programme  2023/ 2024 is expected to be published towards the end of November 2022. This will contain the 2023 and 2024 health research and innovation call topics. If you are interested in applying for funding, then please hold the 19 January 2023 for the European Commission Information Day.

Cancer Mission

The EU Missions Work Programme 2023, including the Cancer Mission,  is also under preparation and is expected to be published towards the end of November 2022, with a European Commission Information Day in January 2023.

The European Commission has published a call for experts to assist in the development and deployment of a framework for monitoring EU missions. (Deadline 5 November).

Innovative Health Initiative (IHI)

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is an EU public-private partnership (partly funded by Horizon Europe) funding health research and innovation. The next IHI call for proposals is expected to be launched at the end 2022 and the beginning of 2023. The IHI has published drafts of the call topics to order give potential applicants additional time to start building a consortium and drafting a proposal.

For further information on the Horizon Europe programme and the Cancer Mission please contact Patricia Clarke, National Delegate Cluster 1- Health,

For support for applicants please contact Health NCP, Martha Cahill at Enterprise Ireland