May – Applications in progress

Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination Scheme (KEDS) 2017

KEDS is now closed and 44 applications were received.  A review panel will be held over the summer months and the recommendations from the panel will be tabled at the HRB Board for approval in September.  Applicants will be informed of the outcome shortly thereafter. 

PPI Ignite Awards 2017 – Supporting Public and Patient Involvement in Research: The outcome of the international review panel for the PPI Ignite Awards was tabled at the HRB Board meeting in May and the Board approved the recommendations of the review panel. Five awards were approved for funding. See the press release and news story on the HRB website today.

Updates on Joint programming calls

Ireland via the HRB are participating in a number of joint programming initiatives this year.

The pre-proposal panel meetings for the JPIAMR and JPND calls launched earlier this year were recently held in Krakow and Berlin respectively.

The JPIAMR scheme received 51 pre-proposal applications and 20 projects have been invited to proceed to full proposal submission. Four of the consortia involve Irish participants. The full proposal submission deadline is July 4th with the panel review meeting taking place in September.

The JPND call received 186 pre proposal applications with 45 projects invited to the full proposal stage. Two of the consortia involve Irish participants. The full proposal submission deadline is June 28th with the panel review meeting taking place in September.

The JP MYBL call is a single stage call. Currently the 38 proposals received are undergoing peer review with five involving Irish partners. A panel meeting will take place in September to decide on funding recommendations

Open calls

Collaborative Doctoral Awards in Patient-focused Research (CDA) 2018:  The Collaborative Doctoral Awards aim to support excellent doctoral training programmes in patient-focused research. Each Collaborative Doctoral Award will provide funding up to a maximum value of €1.5m for five years, to support the training and the research projects of a cohort of three to five trainees.

The HRB hopes to make three of these awards in this round. There is a two-stage application process and stage 1 ‘pre-application’ is currently open to applicants with a closing date of 28 June at 13.00. Following a panel recommendation in September a selected number of applicants will be invited to stage 2 and submit a full application.

You can watch the webinar (15 mins) about the call at:

Applied Partnership Awards (APA) 2017 Second Peer Review Cycle: The APA 2017 call is currently open, and will remain open until 15 September 2017. 

The aim of the Applied Partnership Awards is to support high quality applied research projects through research partnerships between academic researchers and knowledge users in policy and practice.  The research projects should target research that will support the work of healthcare policy and service delivery partners.  

Ulysses 2017. The Health Research Board (HRB) is partnering with the Irish Research Council’s (IRC) Ulysses travel grant to fund a number of research visits to France in the areas of patient orientated research, population health or health services research. Full information is available from the grant notice on the HRB website at:

Don’t forget

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