The effectiveness of interventions related to the use of illicit drugs: prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery. A ‘review of reviews’
This review examines the evidence on the effectiveness of interventions in the areas of harm reduction, prevention, treatment and long-term recovery related to illicit drug misuse and dependence. The primary research questions for this review were:
- Which interventions are effective for reducing the initiation, or continued use, of illicit drugs and related harmful behaviours amongst children and young people aged up to 25 years?
- Which interventions are effective for reducing harmful behaviours related to illicit substance use?
- Which interventions are effective at treating substance misuse amongst people who misuse or who are dependent upon illicit drugs?
- What interventions are effective at supporting people who misuse illicit drugs to fully recover from their substance misuse and become better reintegrated into the community following/alongside treatment?
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