Alcohol: availability, affordability, related harm, and policy in Ireland
This alcohol overview is the fifth in a series which examines data and trends on alcohol use and related consequences over time in Ireland. The data show that there has been a decrease in per capita alcohol use since the last overview was published in 2021. However, harmful and hazardous drinking patterns are impacting people’s health and health services.
For the first time, alcohol availability in Ireland is examined and reveals that almost ¾ of the population live within walking distance (300 meters) of a licenced premises and that there is a greater density of these premises in more deprived communities. The report also looks in detail at alcohol-related harms including hospitalisations, deaths, alcohol’s role in crime as well as the numbers receiving treatment for their alcohol use. The HRB continually monitors these trends to provide solid evidence to inform future policy and help plan services to support recovery and reduce harm from alcohol.
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