‘We have a dedicated webpage that currently has 12 frequently asked questions about changes on active awards. We would ask you to bookmark this page and to check in on it from time to time. We will update it as the need arises and communicate any major changes to you via our normal channels, such as email to Principal Investigators and research offices, in addition to updates on the HRB website and in the HRB ezine’.

COVID-19 impact on active HRB grants

‘We have made changes to some of our call deadlines, and these are summarised in a short news story’.

COVID-19 and funding scheme date changes

‘In addition, we have engaged with our summer students 2020 to assess if they can complete their projects this year or need to defer to next year. About half of them can do it this year as planned, the others will be able to defer to next year.

‘The annual grant reports deadline was extended to 30 April due to COVID-19. The vast majority of these have now been received and we want to say thank you to our funded research community for the effort’.