The immediate aim of the Ulysses scheme is to foster new collaborations between researchers in Ireland and France by funding travel visits between two research groups (from Ireland to France and from France to Ireland) over the course of one year. The longer-term goal is to establish lasting professional networks of researchers and institutions. The scheme provides seed funding to begin the collaboration. Successful applicants are encouraged to develop their collaboration post-Ulysses by seeking large-scale funding from other sources e.g. Horizon Europe.

Support is provided for short visits to partner institutions, and covers travel and subsistence costs.

Awards will be up to a maximum of €2,500 each to Irish- and French-based research partner(s) to cover travel and living expenses*. These awards are simultaneously receivable and must be used by the end of the calendar year, 2022.

*For reasons relating to Covid-19 If one government maintains some form of travel ban: laureates will be allowed to spend 25% of their grant in 2021 on other research expenses to help with the collaboration in place of travel.

An application form and full details of the scheme can be found on the Irish Research Council website:

The closing date to submit applications is 4pm on 4 February 2021.