Dr Darrin Morrissey, Chief Executive at the HRB says;

‘Research can transform people’s lives and we want to honour someone who has made a real difference as a result of their research.  This could be an intervention that leads to better health outcomes, or a change in  policy or practice that has improved the efficiency of the health system or changed people’s behaviour over time. We will only present the HRB Impact Award once every five years, which indicates how significant an achievement it will be for the winner’.

The call for nominations is now open. People must be nominated to receive the award, and they must agree to be nominated. Nominees must be a Principal Investigator who received funding from the HRB, or someone employed on a HRB-funded award who made a significant contribution to the work. This may have been at any time during their career, but it must be directly linked to the research that resulted in the impact on people’s health or on health policy or practice for which they are receiving the award.

Further information is available in HRB Impact Award 2019

The HRB Impact Award will be in memory of Dr Dermot Walsh, who was a leading reformer of Irish mental health services and a tireless advocate for people with mental ill health. Dr Walsh worked as a consultant psychiatrist, clinical director, researcher, adviser to the Department of Health, and inspector of mental hospitals. In addition to his own work, he established the National Psychiatric In-Patient Reporting System in the Health Research Board.