Her prior experience spans academic research and the biopharmaceutical industry and numerous management roles at the HRB, most recently as Head of population health and health services research. Her immediate role prior to taking up this post, as Head of Research Services and Policy at the Department of Health, means she is well placed to ensure that the HRB can deliver with greatest effect for health policy and practice.

Speaking about the appointment, Dr Mairéad O’Driscoll says,

‘I am delighted to welcome Teresa, who I know will be a valuable member of our senior leadership team as we finalise plans for our new five-year strategy. Her expertise will bring new perspectives on health research policy and strategy and help ensure that our research funding portfolio and our approach to implementation yields optimal benefits for patients, national health and social care objectives and the economy.’

Dr Teresa Maguire’s bionote:

Prior to taking up this role, Teresa spent almost five years on secondment in the Department of Health, where she developed and managed a new Research Services & Policy Unit. During this time, she secured Government approval for a dedicated Bill to reform the research ethics system and worked closely with the HSE to oversee the recruitment of a Director of R&D and the publication of the HSE’s first Research & Evidence Strategy. Teresa also led the case for research, evidence and data to be explicitly recognised as enablers in the Sláintecare Implementation Strategy.

Teresa has over 25 years’ experience working in health-research related roles. She qualified with a BSc in Pharmacology from University College Dublin and she holds a PhD from the University of Dundee. Having worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Surgery in St Vincent’s University Hospital she became Director of Scientific Affairs with a multinational biopharmaceutical company. Teresa joined the management team of the HRB in 2002 and over the course of 14 years held a variety of roles, most recently as Head of Population Health and Health Services Research.

Over the last two decades, Teresa has participated on numerous committees and groups to influence and support national health research and innovation policy. She managed a range of all-island research initiatives such as the Cancer Consortium and Cochrane Ireland and she has significant experience from participation in successive EU Framework Programmes.

Teresa also holds a Master of Business from the Irish Management Institute and University College Cork.