The HRB evidence review examined the Approaches to the regulation and financing of formal home care services in four European countries. These were Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Scotland. The report describes and compares published information on formal home care with respect to:

  • Legislation.
  • National standards.
  • Staff and provider accreditation.
  • Financing of regulation.
  • Eligibility and needs assessment.
  • Financing of home care services.

According to Minister Helen McEntee, TD, Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People,
‘This review is an important step in the process, currently underway in the Department of Health, to determine what type of homecare scheme is best for Ireland, in relation to both regulation and funding. …’
There are links below to the Department of Health press release, two of the newspaper articles about the report, along with a podcast from the Today Show with Sean O’Rourke on RTE Radio 1.