Members have been appointed to three NRECs in the areas of Clinical Trials and Medical Devices. Their main aim is to provide a single opinion on research ethics that will be respected nationally, as well as playing an essential role in putting the wellbeing of research participants at the forefront of health research in Ireland.

The three committees established include one in Clinical Investigations of Medical Devices (NREC-MD), and two in Investigational Medicinal Products (NREC-CT). Reflective of Irish society, the appointed members come with different skills, competencies, philosophies and life experiences – each offering diverse perspectives and a wide range of insights. 

Speaking about the new appointments, Dr Mairead O Driscoll, Chief Executive at the HRB says:

“The establishment of a single national opinion on research ethics is a major step forward for the research community in Ireland. The National Office has a key role in strengthening the research infrastructure and we look forward to supporting them in their work.”

Working alongside local research ethics committees, and supported by the National Office, the new NRECs will soon get to work to review the ethics underpinning research proposals in crucial areas of health research. 

Read more on the latest appointments and the work of the National Office for Research Ethics Committees. ­