CICER will provide scientific support and best available evidence to underpin national clinical guidelines, aimed at improving patient safety, that are published through the Department of Health’s National Clinical Effectiveness Committee (NCEC).

Dr Mairéad O’Driscoll, Chief Executive at the HRB commenting on the award said:

“The HRB is delighted to support this initiative, which will continue to provide high-quality, dedicated and timely evidence support for the National Clinical Effectiveness Committee and Guideline Development Groups.

“A key feature in this phase of investment is to enhance the role of CICER within the national and global evidence ecosystem. Through connecting with other centres in the wider evidence support and methodological research community, CICER can enhance coordination, reduce duplication and advance best practice in evidence support for guideline development”.

The HRB call specified that the Lead Knowledge User for the award would be the HSE National Quality and Patient Safety Directorate (NQPSD) in order to address patient safety research needs in a strategic, national, and co-ordinated way, aligned with the needs of the HSE Patient Safety Strategy 2019 – 2024 and Sláintecare.

The successful team, following an open competition, is led by Dr Máirín Ryan, HIQA’s Director of Health Technology Assessment.The €2.5 million investment underscores Ireland’s commitment to embed patient safety research and evidence at the core of the health services. It should ensure that the evidence which informs how we deliver healthcare services is up-to-date, unbiased, cost-effective and consistent.

See the Department of Health press release at the link below for full details on the award announcement.

Minister for Health announces €2.5 million in research funding to enhance patient safety