The remaining calls in Better health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems for 2019 will close at 5.00 pm 16 April 2019, Brussels time (4.00 pm Irish time).

Calls in Digital transformation in health and care (ICT for Health) will close at 5.00 pm 24 April 2019, Brussels time (4.00 pm Irish time). These are all single-stage calls.

Details of all calls are available on the Participant Portal at the following link

Contact Kay Duggan-Walls, National Contact Point for Health at the HRB, if you would like to know more about potential EU funding calls and / or if you would like assistance with the application process.

t +353 1 2345187
m + 353 85 8868183

Draft call topics for 2020 are also available and can be obtained from Kay. These calls will launch in June 2019 with closing dates in April 2020 and the first stage of two-stage calls closing late September/early October 2019.