Grant updates – September 2020
Find out about new funding calls, where your application is in the process and upcoming deadlines.
3 min read - 29 Sep 2020

Applications in progress
A total of 15 short-listed applications were discussed at the panel meeting on 25 August and four applications were recommended for funding to the HRB Board. Contract negotiations are currently underway.
National PPI Network
One application was received for the National PPI Network Award. This is currently undergoing review in advance of a panel meeting on 8 October 2020.
Definitive Interventions and Feasibility Awards (DIFA)
The DIFA peer and public review process is now complete, and all DIFA full applicants have been notified of the opening of the ‘right to respond’ phase, which will close on October 12th. The DIFA full application panel meeting will take place in November.
Open calls
Fulbright-HRB health impact awards 2021
Unique opportunity for Irish Professionals with five-years or more experience to travel to the US to undertake research or professional development in any area of health. The deadline for this call is 2 November 2020.
Collaborative Doctoral Awards in Patient-focused Research 2021
This scheme provides up to €1.5m to fund up to three Programmes each supporting a cohort of four or five PhD candidates to be trained to doctoral level in patient-focused research. Each Collaborative Doctoral Award is developed and directed by a team of established investigators who train multidisciplinary cohorts of health practitioners and academics in different disciplines. The deadline for pre-applications is the 17 December 2020.
HRB Clinical Trials Network (CTN) 2021
HRB is now launching a new national call for Clinical Trial Networks, which will focus on supporting activities of a number of established networks in Ireland, with the aim of developing and delivering a high-quality portfolio of investigator-led trials with relevance to health and social care needs in Ireland. The closing date is 1 December 2020.
HRB Clinical Research Facilities/Centres (CRF/C) 2021
The aim of the HRB Clinical Research Facilities/Centres call is to support/upgrade national CRF/Cs to international standing, increase accessibility to trials for patients and healthy volunteers, and improve the supports available to investigators to drive an increase in investigator-led clinical trials. The closing date for applications is 19 January 2021. An applicant FAQ document will be published in early October.
Cancer trials in Ireland 2021
The goal of this funding is to support the establishment of cancer trial delivery clusters and a National Cancer Clinical Trials Network to enable Irish cancer patients to access a diverse portfolio of high quality, safe and complaint cancer clinical trials. The closing date for applications is 15 January 2021.
SFI-HRB-Wellcome Biomedical Research Partnership
This is a rolling call. Check the scheme notice for full details.
US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme
This is a rolling call. Check the scheme notice for full details.
3 min read - 29 Sep 2020