Applications in progress

Emerging Investigator Awards for Health (EIA) 2019

The HRB Board approved 11 awards in this scheme. Letters were sent to the successful candidates. The HRB will make a more detailed announcement in the coming weeks.

Investigator-Led Projects (ILP) 2019

The panel meetings for this call will be held during the last week of May 2019 and first week of June 2019.

Currently open calls

Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDA) in Patient-focused Research

Nine pre-applications were invited to submit a full application. The submission deadline for this full application is 30 May 2019. Applications will be then peer-reviewed and an interview process will take place in October 2019 with a view to seek HRB Board approval in December 2019.

Research Collaborative in Quality and Patient Safety

Pre-application proposals must be sent electronically to RCQPS at rcqps(at) no later than 5.00 pm 13 June 2019.

NCI-HRB Cancer Prevention Fellowship Programme 2020

In collaboration with the National Cancer Institute, the Health Research Board (HRB) is inviting applications from individuals working in the Republic of Ireland to become a Cancer Prevention Fellow at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the USA. Awards are for up to five years, including a reintegration year back in Ireland. The application closing date is 19 August 2019 for entry into the Programme in June 2020.

Cancer Nursing Research Award 2019

The application and review process is managed by the Irish Cancer Society. Applications must be completed and submitted through the ICS Gateway Grant Tracker online system. To submit an online application you must register at the following address: The deadline for applications is Tuesday 2nd July 2019.

Coming soon

HRB Internship Programme 2019

The next round of this call will open on 26 August 2019. More information is available in the funding scheme notice for this call.

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