Applications in Progress

Fulbright-HRB Health Impact Awards 2021 

The Fulbright Commission in Ireland has completed the review of eligible applications and the outcome will be communicated in March/April 2021.

HRB Clinical Trials Network (CTN) 2021 

The HRB Board approved six awards following the recommendations of an international Panel review. All applicants have now been notified of the outcome. 

Collaborative Doctoral Awards in Patient-Focused Research (CDA) 2021

The full application stage is currently open for eight leadership teams invited to submit an application by May 14.

Cancer Trials in Ireland 2021

The call closed in mid-January. The HRB received eight applications to the Cluster call and one application to the Network call. Applications will be reviewed at the Panel Review Meeting in April 2021.

HRB Clinical Research Facilities/Centres (CRF/C) 2021

Following international Panel review, seven applications attended for interview at the Panel meeting, which took place from 22 March to 24 March 2021. Panel recommendations will be discussed at the HRB Board in May. Applicants will be notified of the outcome in late May 2021.

Ulysses Travel Grants

The application stage is now closed and the outcome of the review will be communicated in June 2021.

Summer Student Scholarships 2021

The review of the 128 eligible applications is completed and the HRB will communicate the outcome in early April 2021. 

ERA-NET NEURON Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2021)

The deadline for pre-applications was in early March and the funding agencies are currently completing the eligibility check.

ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION Call for Joint Transnational Research Proposals (2021)

The deadline for pre-applications was in mid-March and the funding agencies are currently completing the eligibility check.

Open Calls

JPI ERA-Net-HDHL Call for Joint Transnational Research Proposals (2021)

The Joint Transnational Call supports “Standardised measurement, monitoring and/or biomarkers to study food intake, physical activity and health (STAMIFY)”. The call is currently open and the deadline for submission of pre-proposals is 31 March 2021.

SFI-HRB-Wellcome Biomedical Research Partnership

This is a rolling call. Check the scheme notice for full details.

US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme

This is a rolling call. Check the scheme notice for full details.

Upcoming Calls

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe (2021-2027) is the EU’s next funding programme for research and innovation. Cluster 1 Health calls will launch in April 2021. The Work Programme is currently being developed. Further information can be found here. For queries, please contact the Health NCP at the HRB, Kay Duggan-Walls,

Secondary Data Analysis Projects

A Secondary Data Analysis Projects (SDAP) 2021 call will open on 29 March 2021. The deadline for submission of proposals is 28 May 2021. This is subject to board approval and more information will follow on the HRB website funding page. For queries please contact Karen Crowley,

ERA-NET TRANSCAN-3 Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2021)

A Joint Transnational Call (2021) for proposals on “Next generation cancer immunotherapy: targeting the tumour microenvironment” is planned to be launched on 6 April 2021. Please see More information will follow on the HRB website funding page. For queries please contact Louise Drudy