Applications in progress

Investigator-Led Projects (ILP) 2019

The call for Investigator-Led Projects (ILP) 2019 closed on 11th October 2018. The technical and scientific eligibility checks have concluded.  International peer review process is underway.

Definitive Interventions and Feasibility Awards (DIFA) 2018

A total of 28 proposals were considered by an International Panel in November. The Panel recommended 11 proposals for funding, which were approved by the Board in December. Contract negotiations are underway for the proposals recommended for funding.

Emerging Investigator Awards for Health (EIA) 2019

13 applicants have submitted a full application which are currently under peer-review. The 13 applicants will attend an interview on 10-11 April 2019 by an international panel. Approval of the Panel recommendations will be discussed by the HRB Board in May 2019.

Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDA) in Patient-focused Research

14 pre-applications for the Collaborative Doctoral Awards in Patient-focused Research 2019 have submitted on 10 January 2019. HRB is currently checking eligibility before the international panel review will commence. An international panel will discuss those applications at a meeting in Dublin on the 28 February and will recommend a selected number to be invited to full application stage. Applicants will be notified on the outcome in early March 2019 when the full application stage will be opened.

NCI Summer Curriculum in Cancer Prevention 2019

The Health Research Board, in association with the National Cancer Institute in the US and the HSC R&D Office in Northern Ireland, every year invite applications for the prestigious NCI Summer Curriculum in Cancer Prevention Programme. HRB supports applications from health-related researchers and practitioners working in the Republic of Ireland who have an interest in cancer prevention and control. Nine applications were received for the Principles and Practice of Cancer Prevention and Control (9 July – 3 August 2018) and 10 applications for the Molecular Prevention (6 – 10 August 2018) courses. HRB staff is currently reviewing them and applicants will be notified of the outcome by the end of January.

Currently open calls

Summer Student Scholarship (SS) 2019

Call closing 1.00 pm 14 Feb 2019.

Conference and event sponsorship scheme 2019

Call closing 1.00 pm 22 Feb 2019.

European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) 1st Joint Call 2019: Translational research projects to accelerate diagnosis and/or explore disease progression and mechanisms of rare diseases

Call closing 5.00 pm 15 Feb 2019.

The Patrick Quinn Awards for Parkinson’s Research

Call closing 1.00 pm 21 Feb 2019.

Joint Transnational Call for Proposals (2019) For ‘Personalised Medicine: Multidisciplinary Research Towards Implementation’

Call closing 4.00 pm 7 March 2019.

JPND Transnational Call 2019: Multinational research projects on Personalised Medicine for Neurodegenerative Diseases

Call closing 4.00 pm 12 March 2019.

Proof of Concept technical model for ‘DASSL’ (Data Access, Storage, Sharing and Linkage) award 2019

Call closing 1.00 pm 10 April 2019.

Rolling calls

US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme

Check out our All funding schemes webpage for a full list of our calls and indicative timelines.

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