Applications in Progress

Fulbright-HRB Health Impact Award 2023

Decisions are expected in March 2023

Secondary Data Analysis Projects (SDAP) 2023 Cycle 1

Applications for Cycle 1 closed on the 15th of December 2022.  14 applications were submitted in Cycle 1, all were deemed eligible and are now undergoing peer review. The applicant response phase will be in the second half of March.


HRB Conference and Event Sponsorship Scheme (CES) 2023

The Conference and Events Sponsorship Scheme 2023 closed on 8 February 2023. 26 applications were received and are undergoing eligibility checks.

Applied Partnership Awards 2022 (APA) Cycle 2

The call for applications for Cycle 2 closed on 1 February.  22 applications were submitted in Cycle 2, and are now being assessed to confirm eligibility prior to peer review. 

Joint Transnational Calls (JTCs)
  • ERA-NET NEURON Networking Group JTC2022: Proposals are under evaluation. Coordinators will be informed of the outcome Q1/2 2023.
  • ERA-NET TRANSCAN-3 JTC2022: Proposals are under evaluation. Coordinators will be informed of the outcome Q2 2023.
  • JPND Working Group JTC2022: Proposals are under evaluation. Coordinators will be informed of the outcome Q3/Q4 2023.
  • EJPRD JTC2023: Proposals are under evaluation. Coordinators will be informed of the outcome Q4 2023.

Open Calls

Applied Programme Grants Scheme (APRO) 2023

This scheme opened on 25 January and closes on 6 April 2023. This scheme aims to support a strategic programme of applied research in health and social care that will have an impact on the health and social care of individuals, population health and the health system in Ireland and beyond. Applications should be submitted under one of the thematic areas as defined in the Guidance Notes that can be found here.

Secondary Data Analysis Projects (SDAP) 2023 Cycle 2

The scheme remains open for applications for Cycle 2, the closing date is 4 October 2023. 

The scheme supports bringing together researchers, knowledge users and data controllers to develop research projects that answer policy and/or practice-relevant questions through the use of secondary data.

HRB Postdoctoral Fellowships: Applying Research into Policy & Practice (ARPP) 2023

The closing date for submission of applications for this call is 2 March 2023 at 13.00. The overarching aim is to provide opportunities for talented academic-based health and social care researchers during the postdoctoral stage of their research career.

Summer Student Scholarship (SS) 2023

The closing date for submission of applications for this call is 9 March 2023 at 13.00. The aim of this scheme is to support undergraduate students in health or social care-related disciplines to complete short research projects during summer 2023.

HRB Postdoctoral Fellowships: Clinician Scientist Fellowships (CSF) 2023

The closing date for submission of applications for this call is 2 March 2023 at 13.00. The overarching aim is to provide postdoctoral opportunities for talented health and social care practitioners involved in the delivery of patient or social care, who have a PhD (or PhD equivalency) and wish to pursue a combined clinical and research career.

US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme

This is a rolling call. Check the scheme notice for full details.

HRB Rapid Response Mechanism to support Ukrainian researchers in crisis 2022 (Ucrisis 2022)

The grant scheme supports a named individual/s who have been displaced by the Russian invasion in Ukraine or who cannot return to Ukraine due to the invasion (and are being supported by the Irish Government under the Temporary Protection Directive). It is a rolling grant call with continuous intake and fast-tracked application review.

Joint Transnational Calls 2023

           This call opened on 4 January 2023 with a pre-proposal submission deadline of 7 March 2023.

           This call opened on 16 January 2023 with a pre-proposal submission deadline of 7 March 2023.

           This call opened on 10 January 2023 with a pre-proposal submission deadline of 7 March 2023.

          This call is part of the new European Partnership, ERA4Health. It opened on 13 January 2023 with a pre-proposal submission deadline of 14 March 2023.

Upcoming calls

Patient Safety Research Network 2023

This call will open in March and aims to bring together all relevant stakeholders to promote and advance Patient Safety research in Ireland. The network will provide a forum to debate and determine research priorities, support development of a critical mass of research activity, and increase Irelands capacity and capability to conduct and translate high quality, internationally relevant Patient Safety research. Applicants will be required to partner with the Lead Knowledge User, the National Quality and Patient Safety Directorate of the HSE. Further information on the scheme will be posted on our All funding schemes webpage as soon as it is available.

Joint Transnational Calls 2023 : Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS)

As part of this new European Partnership, this call is now tentatively expected to open March 2023 with a likely deadline for ‘intent to apply’ submissions in May 2023 and a proposal submission deadline in June 2023. If you would like to receive the pre-announcement directly, please contact

EU funding updates – February 2023

We have collated all the EU funding updates into its own standalone story.  Please refer to that for full details.