The Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use (CADU) convened throughout 2023. Comprising 99 members of the Irish public from all walks of life (and one independent Chair), the Assembly was tasked with deliberating on potential future legislative, policy and operational changes that could reduce the impacts of illicit drugs on individuals and communities. As the foremost national body providing data and evidence on drug use and harm, the HRB has played a key role in providing expert evidence for CADU members as they review the current landscape to make their recommendations.

During initial planning, the HRB’s Brian Galvin, Programme Manager for Drug and Alcohol Research, was named as a member of the Advisory Support Group, which assisted the Chair of the Assembly in developing a fair, balanced and comprehensive work programme.

Researchers from the HRB were then asked to make presentations to the Assembly on a range of topics, sharing the latest data and research in this area. Videos of these presentations have been made available on the CADU website and can be viewed at the following links:

Inaugural meeting, 15-16 April

Session: Drug use patterns and trends

Second meeting, 13-14 May

Session: Lived experiences of family members affected by problem substance use by a relative

Third meeting, 24-25 June

Session: Health-led approaches

Session: Treatment

Fifth meeting, 30 September-1 October

Session: Perspectives on governance and funding

These contributions by the HRB were complemented by presentations from other researchers, practitioners, policymakers and stakeholders from across society – including those with lived experience of drug use and harms. Together, this input was taken into consideration by the members of the CADU, informing the 36 recommendations they made during their final meeting at the end of October. The Assembly will set out its recommendations in more detail in its final report to the Oireachtas and Government, to be submitted by the end of this year.