EU Public Health Programme Information Event 2019
Europe House, 12-14 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2, 10.30 am - 1.30 pm, 13 June 2019.
2 min read - 20 May 2019

The Public Health Programme is the European Commission’s main funding scheme for implementing the European Union’s health strategy. Officials from the EU Health Directorate and from the EU Executive Agency (Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency) which manages the call process will attend to present the priorities and calls for 2019.
Chair, Dr Darrin Morrissey, CEO Health Researh Board.
10.30 am: Tea / coffee on arrival.
11.00 am: Introduction. Kay Duggan-Walls, HRB, National Focal Point for Public Health Programme and National Contact Point for Horizon 2020 Health
11.05 am: Welcome. Veronica Miller, International Unit, Department of Health
11.10 am: Public Health Programme: Scope and priorities for 2019. Denise de Waal, Policy Officer, European Commission, Directorate General Health and Food Safety (DG Santé). Followed by questions and answers.
11.35 am: Joint Actions – Experience of being involved in a Joint Action, EU Joint Action-on Market Surveillance of Medical Devices (JAMS), Nicola Hickie, Regulatory and Policy Manager – Medical Devices, HPRA. Followed by questions and answers.
12.00 noon: Participation in the Annual Work plan 2019 and dissemination activities. Donata Meroni, Head of Health and Food Safety Unit, Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency, (Chafea), European Commission. Followed by questions and answers.
12.30 pm: European Reference Networks (ERNs), Mark Little, Professor of Nephrology and Consultant Nephrologist, Trinity College Dublin / Tallaght University and Beaumont Hospitals. Followed by questions and answers.
12.50 pm: ProACT – Integrated Technology Systems for ProACTive Patient Centred Care. (EU funded Horizon 2020 health project). John Dinsmore, Health Innovation Lead/Deputy Director, Trinity Centre for Practice & Healthcare Innovation (TCPHI), School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD. Followed by questions and answers.
13.10 pm: Lunch and Networking
2 min read - 20 May 2019