The Annual Work Plan for 2020 is available for download at:

Calls will open for submission at the following link in due course:
Grants are available for projects in the following areas:

  • Support for health Workforce reforms
  • Healthcare Public Procurement in the EU
  • Support for health Investment
  • Support for the implementation of best practices in the area of mental health
  • Increased access to vaccination for disadvantaged groups, difficult to reach groups and migrants
  • Stakeholder activities to support strengthened cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases

If you would like to apply for any of the calls please contact the National Focal Point at the HRB, Kay Duggan-Walls e, t 01 2345187.

Webinar – 2020 calls and work plan

There will be a webinar at 1.00 pm on 4 March 2020 about the 2020 Calls and the Annual Work Plan of the EU Public Health Programme. Further information is available from the EU Commission website at the link below: