This second call implements Action 3 of the ERA ERAvsCorona Action Plan and complements the first expression of interest that the European Commission published in January 2020 which led to the funding of 18 projects in March 2020.

Considering the huge impact of the pandemic, the scope of the Expression of Interest has four focus areas:

  1. Repurposing of manufacturing for vital medical supplies and equipment.
  2. Medical technologies, Digital tools and Artificial Intelligence analytics to improve surveillance and care at high technology readiness levels.
  3. Social and Economic impacts of the outbreak response.
  4. Pan-European Covid-19 cohorts united against the pandemic.

More information about the call is available for download from the first link that accompanies this story. The closing date for applications is 11 June 2020.

If you would like to apply for these calls please contact the National Contact Point at the HRB, Kay Duggan-Walls e, t 01 2345187.

Information about the First ‘ERAvsCorona’ action plan; short-term coordinated research and innovation actions is availble from the second link.

Information about the 18 projects funded in the first round of this call is availble at the third link that accompanies this story.