We would like to remind all users of their responsibility to ensure that complete and accurate information is recorded in LINK. The legal basis for collecting NDTRS information is based on the statutory functions of the Health Research Board S.I. No. 279/1986 – The Health Research Board (Establishment) Order, 1986 and in  https://www.hrb.ie/about/legal/privacy-policy/.

Information recorded about service users must comply with the NDTRS data collection protocol and GDPR legislation. It is your responsibility as data controller for your own data to ensure that accurate name and address information is recorded in LINK. Knowingly recording inaccurate information results in a failure to comply with the GDPR legislation.  For episodes which are currently open, i.e. not yet locked, inaccurate information must be corrected immediately. Please ensure the address reflects the service user’s location within 30 days prior to entering treatment as per the data collection protocol.

We appreciate your continued cooperation and participation in ensuring accurate NDTRS data reporting. If you have any questions regarding this process or data collection protocols in general, please don’t hesitate to contact the NDTRS team at ndtrs@hrb.ie.

Download a copy of the letter for your records:  Accurate recording of data in LINK