Applications in progress

Emerging Investigator Awards for Health (EIA) 2019

13 candidates who were invited to submit a full application will attend an interview on 9-10 April 2019 with an international panel. The Panel recommendations will be discussed by the HRB Board in May 2019 and the candidates will be notified shortly after.

Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDA) in Patient-focused Research

Nine pre-applications (out of the 14 eligible proposals submitted) have been invited to submit a full application by an international panel. The submission deadline for a full application is 30 May 2019.

NCI Summer Curriculum in Cancer Prevention 2019

Three individuals were selected for the Principles and Practice of Cancer Prevention and Control (9 July – 3 August 2018) and three others for the Molecular Prevention (6 – 10 August 2018) courses.

Summer Student Scholarship (SS) 2019

There were 157 eligible applications. These are currently under review by an international panel. The outcome of the review will be approved by the HRB Board in mid-April and applicants will be notified of the outcome shortly thereafter.

Conference and event sponsorship scheme

Twenty applications were reviewed at a recent panel. The results will be presented to the Executive Team for approval in early April and outcomes will be communicated to applicants soon after that.

European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD)

Seven applications with Irish partners have been submitted and are currently under review. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of stage 1 application in early May 2019. Please note that applicants invited for full application stage will have approximately five weeks to complete their application.

Currently open calls

Proof of Concept technical model for ‘DASSL’ (Data Access, Storage, Sharing and Linkage) award 2019

Call closing 1.00 pm 10 April 2019.

Research Leader Awards 2020

The pre-application stage submission deadline is 1.00 pm 9 May 2019.

Emerging Clinician Scientist Awards 2020

The pre-application stage submission deadline is 1.00 pm 16 May 2019.

Rolling calls

US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Programme

Applied Partnership Awards 2019

Check out our All funding schemes webpage for a full list of our calls and indicative timelines.

Sign up for email alerts each time that a call opens.