Horizon Europe Guide for Researchers – Step 2

Finding a call topic and starting your application

If you are interested in applying for Horizon Europe funding, you first need to identify a relevant call topic that aligns with your area of research interest. All proposals submitted to the same call topic will be evaluated together and compete against each other.

the different types of funding mechanisms available under the Horizon Europe programme

The European Commission (EC) publishes annual/bi-annual work programmes over the course of Horizon Europe, which contain information on overarching themes and priorities that will inform calls for a given period (download the current work programme from our website here). The individual call topics are published on the EC Funding and Tenders Portal – a one-stop resource for finding call topics, viewing opening and closing dates, and submitting proposals.

You can search for call topics in your area of interest through the Portal Search funding & tenders page. This page allows you to search in the text of the call topic titles, call topic identifiers, topic description and keywords and tags. You can also filter using the quick search per topics related to specific EU priorities.

Further guidance on finding relevant call topics is available in the EC’s Online Manual for Funding & Tender Opportunities. Look out too for information events organised by the EC when new calls open, national launch events organised by NCPs, and information events organised by University Research Offices or other institutions.

How much funding is available under Horizon Europe calls?

The call topic description indicates the expected funding for an individual project. There are different types of funding mechanisms available within Horizon Europe, and it is important to note the funding rate (the percentage of the budget that may be funded by the grant) for each. Examples of funding mechanisms include:

  • Research and innovation actions (RIA): activities aiming to establish new knowledge and/or explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. These may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment. Funding rate: 100%
  • Innovation actions (IA): activities directly aimed at producing plans and designs for new, altered or improved products or services, which may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication. Funding rate: 70% (except for non-profit organisations, which are funded 100%)
  • Coordination and support actions (CSA): measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies. Funding rate: 100%
  • Programme co-fund action: These are partnerships which involve research funders and other public authorities from different EU countries.
  • Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP): Pre-commercial procurement (PCP) is an approach to public procurement of research and development services. Find more about it here.

When should I begin preparing my application?

Start preparing your application early, as it usually takes at least four to six months to build a high-quality proposal. As soon as the draft work programmes are available, you should link in with the NCP or your organisation’s Research Office if available to get information on call topics in advance of calls being formally announced. Once you have identified a specific call topic, we also recommend getting in touch again with your NCP or Research Office to discuss your research proposal ideas and ensure they are aligned with the call topic.

What your NCP can do for you

Check in with the NCP to find out about the latest information events and webinars, particularly at the start of the year when a new work programme is usually published. Subscribe to the HRB ezine, which includes updates on new EU funding calls. Subscribe to the Irish Horizon Europe National Support Network newsletters (scroll down on this linked page to view sign-up form).

By getting in touch with your NCP you can discuss research ideas at an early stage so that you can hit the ground running once a suitable call topic is published. Run your idea past the NCP to check that it fits well with the call objectives, to understand the EC’s thinking and expectations and to get advice on preparing your application or seeking potential partners.

Questions? Contact your HRB Health NCP.