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JPI AMR Joint Transnational Call (2023) “Development of innovative strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for diagnostics and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance”

The partnership Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) coordinates joint transnational research and network calls seeking new knowledge and supporting solutions to decrease the burden of AMR with a One Health approach.

Antimicrobial resistance affects humans, animals and plants without geographic borders or species barriers. A holistic and multi-sectoral approach – referred to as One Health – is required to address the rising threat of AMR. Resistant pathogens and antimicrobials can be found in humans, animals, plants, food and the environment, and they may spread from one to another.

In this context, 25 funding organisations from 19 countries have agreed to launch a Joint Transnational Call (JTC2023) for collaborative research projects on “Development of innovative strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for diagnostics and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance”. The primary aim of the call is to combine the resources, infrastructures, and strengths of multiple countries in order to facilitate research projects supporting the development or improvement of existing strategies, tools, technologies, and methods to support the prudent and rational use of antimicrobials. This can be achieved by focusing on diagnosis of infections caused by resistant microorganisms, on detection of resistant microorganisms, and/or collection, analysis and use of AMR and antimicrobial use (AMU) data.

Details of this scheme:

Projects should aim to address unmet needs in the AMR diagnostics and surveillance sectors beyond the current state of the art.

It is a requirement for applicants requesting HRB funding to include Human Health as the primary One Health Setting for their research activities1.
Applicants must focus on one of the below topics:

Topic 1:

To develop novel or improve existing diagnostics, including point of care diagnostics, that can rule out antimicrobial use or help identify the most effective antimicrobial treatment. Within this topic projects may:

  • Develop new or improve/repurpose existing strategies, technologies, and methods for the rapid, accurate and affordable detection of bacterial or fungal infection and/ or resistance patterns and elements.
  • Study ways to facilitate and implement the uptake and use of existing diagnostics in varied economic settings.
  • Optimise the use of tools, technologies, and methods for diagnostic data capture and usage, for example in conjunction with surveillance strategies.

Topic 2:

To develop novel or improve existing strategies, technologies, methods, or data use strategies to support One Health (OH) AMR surveillance. Within this topic projects may:

  • Develop new or improve existing strategies, technologies, and methods for the detection, analysis, monitoring and use of AMR and AMU data. This can include the analysis of existing data or the application of existing surveillance strategies, technologies, and methods to additional OH settings.
  • Explore the standardisation, FAIRification and linkage of methodologies, datasets and relevant indicators to perform globally comparative, integrated and triangulated surveillance of AMR/AMU in humans, animals (including companion animals, livestock and wildlife), plants, food, and the environment.

The following sub-topics are out of the scope of the call:

  • antiviral and antiparasitic agents,
  • proposals solely aiming to extend existing surveillance networks (e.g. GLASS, national surveillance programmes).

The following types of research projects are excluded for partners funded by the Health Research Board:

  • Proposals seeking to evaluate a pilot or feasibility study.
  • Proposals seeking to evaluate a definitive intervention.
  • Proposals involving basic biomedical research.
  • Research intended to create human embryos solely for the purposes of research or for the purposes of stem cell procurement, including by means of somatic cell nuclear transfer.


1Where the primary focus of the project is animal/environment setting, Irish partners are advised to refer to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM). Irish Partner(s) planning an application covering animal/environment and human health One Health Settings are advised to consult with both Irish Funders (HRB and DAFM) to discuss eligibility requirements for funding prior to applying. 

Who can apply?

This is a joint transnational call: applicants must apply as part of a transnational consortium.

Researchers based in Ireland who are seeking HRB funding can apply as coordinators or partners. If successful, they will be funded by the Health Research Board up to the maximum amount for the call. Applicants applying for funding from HRB must be based at an eligible HRB Host Institution.
Individual country partners/coordinators should confirm eligibility with their national funding organisation contact point.

Main Eligibility Criteria

  • The consortium must include a minimum of three eligible partners asking for funding from three different eligible countries (including at least two amongst EU Member States or Associated Countries).
  • The consortium can include a maximum of six project partners (including non-funded partners). The maximum number of partners can be increased to seven if the consortium includes one or more of the following:
    • at least one partner from an under-represented country  (Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, and Least Developed Countries) at least one partner where the Principal Investigator meets the definition of an Early Career Researcher. Applicants for HRB funding should refer to the eligibility requirements below for the HRB definition. Other partners should refer to the core call text and/or guidance of their relevant funder
    • a company (companies are not eligible for HRB funding).

How to apply:

Please review HRB’s guidance and FAQs on this page alongside the core call text for full details of the aim, objectives and scope of the call.

An information webinar for prospective applicants will take place on 24 January 2023.

Apply for this award:

There will be a one-stage application procedure for joined applications. One joint proposal document (in English) shall be prepared by the partners and must be submitted by the Coordinator via the electronic submission system .

Contact us:

For general information, please contact the Joint Call Secretariat (JCS):

National Science Centre Poland

Jolanta Palowska and Monika Pobiega

E-mail: JPI.AMR(at) 

For country-specific information for Irish Partners seeking HRB funding, please contact the HRB:

Dr Siobhán Hackett

Email: eujointprogrammes(at)