Statistical quality and methodology

The NPIRS Team are committed to the collection and compilation of data to the highest possible standard and the delivery of high quality outputs from the database. An external audit conducted on the NPIRS database in 2012 found an accuracy rate of 97.8% (2.2% discrepancy rate) and a completeness rate of 99.36% (0.64% incompleteness rate), both of which exceeded the benchmark of 95% (5% discrepancy rate). All fields were within acceptable levels of completeness and the majority of fields exceeded a 99% accuracy level.

The statistical quality and methodology documentation for the NPIRS data includes a Summary Methodology document for the data along with a Dissemination Policy and a Confidentiality Commitment for the data. The NPIRS Team’s commitment to the quality of the statistics and outputs produced and disseminated is set out in its Quality Commitment Statement.

ISSCoP Accreditation

The NPIRS team has Irish Statistical System Code of Practice (ISSCoP) accreditation and adheres to the principles set out in their Code of Practice.

Processes are informed by the CSO’s ‘A Handbook of Quality and Standards and Guidelines 2021’, which is available from the CSO.