The National Drug-Related Deaths Index (NDRDI)
The NDRDI is the national monitoring system on drug-related deaths, deaths among people who use drugs, and deaths among people who are alcohol dependent. Since 2005, the HRB has maintained the NDRDI on behalf the Department of Health and the Department of Justice.
The NDRDI provides a completes census of drug and alcohol-related deaths, and all deaths among people who use drugs or were alcohol dependent, by using four data sources: Coronial data, HIPE, Central Treatment List and the GMR via the CSO.
The data collected enables Ireland to fulfil its reporting obligations to the European Union and United Nations, as well as being used widely to provide evidence for national policy, research, and action.
Data collected includes:
- demographic details;
- socio-economic information;
- history of problem drug use at the time of death;
- risk behaviours e.g. injecting drug use;
- drug treatment history;
- details about the death itself.
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