Premature Ageing in long-Term Homeless adults (PATH)

The number of homeless adults in Ireland is rising. Homeless people have more chronic illnesses and a shorter
life-expectancy than people who have somewhere secure to live. We have carried out a pilot study showing that
homeless people have dementia, frailty and other diseases associated with ageing at a much younger age than
expected. We will now carry out an in-depth study to see whether homeless people are ageing more rapidly.
This will give those who provide accommodation and care for homeless people the information they need to plan
what buildings, staff and healthcare they should provide in the future for homeless people. It will also give us a
better understanding of what factors lead to premature or accelerated ageing in homeless, but also in all,

Award Date
20 April 2018
Award Value
Principal Investigator
Dr Cliona Ni Cheallaigh
Host Institution
Trinity College Dublin
Applied Partnership Awards